
 Focus: Captions Review - Expanded  Captions for Dominant Photos

  • Caption Writing (Review Assignment)
  • Making a Plan
  • Monarch - Deadline 1 & 2 spreads (3 & 4 if there are things your can work on now)
  • Business Ads
  • Thank you notes
  • Interviews
  • Photographing (Headshots)

ClosureWrite a summary caption and expanded caption for the below photo.  Assignment in google classroom.

Summary Caption:

Student Name: Jennifer Smith

Grade: 12

Pronouns: she/her

  • Lead in-Who, What, Why, Where, When, How (Present Tense)

  • (This photo was taken during a summer outdoor practice in the morning.  It was very hot and humid.  The players were working on bumping drills.  Jennifer volunteered with Mr. Cap to show the other player how to properly bump the volleyball.) (Past Tense) 

OR -Quote: “Summer practice was challenging, because it was so hot even at 7 am when practice started.  I am looking forward to getting back on the court and having an undefeated season.”

  • Photo Credit in italics

Expanded Caption:

Student Name: Jennifer Smith

Grade: 12

Pronouns: she/her

  • Mini Headline (in all caps)

  • Lead in-Who, What, Why, Where, When, How (Present Tense)

  • (This photo was taken during a summer outdoor practice in the morning.  It was very hot and humid.  The players were working on bumping drills.  Jennifer volunteered with Mr. Cap to show the other player how to properly bump the volleyball.) (Past Tense)

  • Quote: “Summer practice was challenging, because it was so hot even at 7 am when practice started.  I am looking forward to getting back on the court and having an undefeated season.”

  • Photo Credit in italics